Vidit Sharma is MTV Roadies Xtreme 2018 contestant who came from Ahmadabad, Gujarat. He has a very tragic story which will shock you and makes you emotional. During Roadies Audition he told this story to Gang Leaders; One night when he and his family were traveling in a car, suddenly a black cat came in front of the car. While Vidit Sharma was applying break, her mother pressed handbrake to prevent the accident. Due to this car went off the road and met with a serious accident. For 5 minutes he was unconscious that what has happened.
After 5 minutes he saw his sister walking out of the car and there was a big cut on her Neck. Vidit explained that the cut was so deep that when he tried to stop the bleeding the cloth was piercing through the cut. He didn’t get any help immediately but later that got help from Vidita’s Classmate who was passing by that route and he took them to nearest Hospital. More shocking thing was that there was no Doctor in the hospital for two hours who can treat her wound.
After that accident, his sister survived for 17 days but then died. After narration of his story, there was silence and grief in the Audition Hall. While he was telling this story all Gang Leaders were very sad went into tears but there was calm on Vidit’s face. Prince and other Gang Leaders were very much impressed with his strong mind. Finally, he was selected for Roadies Journey. He surpassed the culling round and was directly selected for top 20 participants.