Why is Sleeveless Woman attractive to Men?

Alot of people don’t talk about this fact that wearing sleeveless top is the strongest feminine tool to become attractive in front of men. But why sleeveless is attractive?

Why it’s actually the strongest tool that drives men crazy!

Men usually don’t accept this fact but it’s true.

We analysed and found these 3 major reason behind this attraction

1. Opposite Attracts

This is very common phrase that Opposite Attracts each other. Men by nature have strong, muscular and ridged body while women have delicate, soft, timid and smooth body.

Women’s arms are one of the most tender and delicate part of her body and when men see that tenderness they become aroused because it’s the complete opposite to their own.

2. Armpit Fetish and Pheromones

While wearing sleeveless tops their is high possibility of exposure of underarms.

You are not going to accept this fact but it’s true that large number of men in this world have fetish for women armpits.

Their are many hidden secret about this fetish. One of  reason is that armpits release pheromones which attract men.

Also,when women wear sleeveless dress, their armpit folds can be seen which are highly attractive to men.

“Underarms are actually the second most attractive feature on a female body after breasts maybe number one among some men”.

3. Traditional Reasons

In many countries like Indian subcontinent and mid-eastern countries, women rarely wear sleeveless top/dress due to religion and cultural reasons.

Hence men seeing bare arms of women suddenly,attracts them and looks at them.

Best Sleeveless Tops For Women

Now you know the major reason for men’s attraction towards girls with sleeveless tops/dresses, let talk now about some best tops you must add in your wardrobe.

If you are looking for sleeveless tops at genuine price, then you must own following tops:

  • Tank Top : From hangout to gyming, Tank tops are always on the hit list of the girls styling. Tank Tops can be worn in parties, hangouts or during exercise. It looks great even in plain colors (Black color is highly recommended). Tank Tops Go great with Blue Jeans Pants or Jeans Shorts.
  • Halter Neck Top : The strap of Halter Neck Top, runs from the front of the garment around the back of the neck, generally leaving the upper back uncovered. Compared to the Tank Top, Halter Neck Top is more preferable for Parties.
  • Spaghetti Strap Top : Both the Tank Top and Halter Neck Tops also comes in Spaghetti straps. Spaghetti Strap Top goes well in parties and hangouts but are not recommended while exercising.  Pair them with jeans or shorts for attractive look.
  • Sleeveless Zipper Top : You can wear zippers in office or while jogging. Sleeveless Zipper is great option to add to your fashion wardrobe.

What to Do if You have Fat Arms?

Many plus size women out their hesitate to wear sleeveless tops because of fat arms. Here are three things that you can do about it

  • Accept your body: No other thing in this world can match this single word “Acceptance”. If you can accept your body as it is, and start feeling your bodies beauty in its essence, your confidence gets boost and automatically other people start finding you attractive.
  • Dress Accordingly Body Type: Dressing according to your body type is must have practice every women should follow. For detailed tips, you can read our guide “Dresses That Make Your Arms Look Thinner“.
  • Loose Fat: If you took resolution then nothing in this world is tough. You can loose your body fat with well planing and determination.


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