11 Tips for Succeeding in Online Classes

The rise of online education has offered unprecedented convenience and flexibility to students of all backgrounds. However, it also comes with its unique set of challenges. While online courses have their advantages, they often don’t lead to the success people hope for.

The problem is, not many people actually finish online courses. According to different studies, the percentage of people who complete these courses is usually only between 5% and 15%. One study on Research Gates shows that for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), completion rates can be as low as 3% to 6%. Because so few people are finishing the courses they start, they’re missing out on the full benefits of learning online.

From time management to self-discipline, online classes demand a different approach compared to traditional in-person learning. Whether you’re new to the world of virtual education or looking to enhance your online learning experience, these 11 tips will help you thrive in your online classes.

Create a Dedicated Study Space

One of the most fundamental steps to succeed in online classes is establishing a designated study space. This space serves as your academic sanctuary, fostering focus, concentration, and a productive learning environment.

Choose a quiet area in your home where you can concentrate without distractions. Minimize noise from appliances, outside traffic, or other household activities. Ensure your study space is well-lit, preferably with natural light. Adequate lighting reduces eye strain and enhances alertness.

Invest in a comfortable chair and desk or workspace. Ergonomics are important to prevent discomfort or physical strain during extended study sessions. Proper ventilation is must that ensures a fresh and comfortable study atmosphere. Open windows or use a fan if necessary.

Personalize your study space with items that inspire you, such as motivational quotes, artwork, or photographs. This can make the space feel more inviting. Keep your desk clutter-free. Use organizers, trays, or drawers to arrange essential study materials, pens, notebooks, and any other tools you’ll need.

Establish a Routine

Just like traditional classes, online classes require a routine. In the realm of online classes, establishing a routine is a foundational step to ensure consistency, productivity, and academic success. A well-structured routine can help you manage your time effectively and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Determine when you’re most alert and productive during the day. Schedule your most challenging tasks or classes during these times. Arrange tasks in order of importance. Tackle high-priority items during your most productive hours. Stick to your routine as closely as possible. Consistency helps build discipline and ensures you meet your academic commitments.

Time Management

Effective time management is a critical skill when it comes to online learning. Without a structured schedule and well-organized approach, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by coursework and deadlines. Prioritize your tasks and allocate time efficiently for studying, assignments, and relaxation. Time management is a skill that will serve you well in online classes.

Begin by establishing a weekly study schedule that outlines when you’ll dedicate time to each course and related tasks. Include designated periods for attending virtual classes, studying, completing assignments, and taking breaks.

Use the Pomodoro Technique. The Pomodoro Technique involves breaking your study time into focused intervals (typically 25 minutes) followed by short breaks (around 5 minutes). This method can enhance concentration and prevent burnout.

Leverage digital tools such as online calendars or productivity apps to keep track of due dates, class schedules, and study sessions. These tools can send reminders and alerts to help you stay on top of your commitments. Apps like BeFocused and Trello can be particularly useful in this regard.

Team Up: Collaborate with Study Groups

Studying in isolation can sometimes be challenging, especially when taking online courses. However, you can enhance your learning experience and make it more engaging by teaming up with your peers through platforms like Microsoft Teams, Google meet etc.

When you join a study group online, you and your peers can help keep each other on track. Knowing that others are counting on you to contribute and participate can boost your motivation to stay engaged in your coursework. You can also exchange phone number with these team mates for better engagement.

You can set shared goals and deadlines within your study group. Regular check-ins via video chats or discussions help ensure that everyone is progressing as planned. If someone encounters difficulties or has questions, the group can offer support and solutions.

Consider External Assistance

In some cases, students find that seeking external assistance with coursework can be beneficial. Services like “do my class for me” can provide the help you need to stay on track. Such platforms provide cohort-based programs that provide more structure, more interaction and support, and higher levels of accountability.

In certain situations, when the workload becomes overwhelming or you face unexpected circumstances, you might explore external services that can assist with your coursework. This could include help with assignments, quizzes, or even discussions related to your online class. These external online platforms provide assignments, quizzes, exams and discussions and also 24/7 guidance online.

Do Not Disturb Approach

Online classes often require students to navigate a digital landscape filled with distractions, including social media, messaging apps, and the constant allure of the internet. To maintain focus and productivity during your online learning sessions, it’s crucial to implement a “Do Not Disturb” approach.

Silence or disable notifications from messaging apps, social media platforms, and email during your dedicated study and class times. These notifications can divert your attention and disrupt your workflow. Allocate specific time slots for checking and responding to emails, messages, and social media. Outside of these times, make a conscious effort to avoid these distractions.

Use browser extensions or apps designed to block distracting websites during study sessions. Tools like “StayFocusd” or “Freedom” allow you to limit your access to time-wasting sites.

Ensure your study space is free from physical distractions. Keep it organized and tidy to create a conducive atmosphere for focused learning. Communicate with family members, roommates, or housemates about your study hours. Request their support in minimizing disruptions during these times.

Seek Help When Needed

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your professors or academic advisors when you encounter challenges. It’s a proactive step towards success. Your professors or course instructors are valuable resources. Don’t hesitate to reach out via email or virtual office hours to ask questions, seek clarification, or discuss challenges related to the course material.

Academic advisors can provide guidance on course selection, degree planning, and academic goals. They can also offer solutions if you encounter academic difficulties. For technical issues related to online learning platforms, contact your institution’s IT department or technical support team. They can help resolve issues related to accessing and navigating online courses.

Involve Your Family

Discuss your online learning goals and schedule with your family members. Share your progress and seek their support and understanding as you navigate your virtual classroom. Start by having an open and honest conversation with your family about your educational goals and the nature of your online courses. Explain why these courses are important to you and how they fit into your long-term plans.

Provide your family with a schedule of your online classes, study times, and assignment due dates. This helps them understand when you’ll be occupied with coursework and when you’ll be available.

Encourage your family members to remind you about your educational goals and help you stay disciplined in following your study routine. Their active involvement in keeping you on track can be immensely beneficial. They can assist with time management, offer study tips, or even engage in discussions related to your coursework to stimulate your thinking.

Take Breaks

In the fast-paced world of online learning, it’s easy to get caught up in a continuous cycle of studying and assignments. However, taking regular breaks is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for maintaining focus, productivity, and overall well-being.  Avoid burnout by taking short breaks during study sessions. Refreshing your mind can boost your productivity.

Research suggests that spacing out your learning and taking breaks between study sessions can improve long-term retention of information. Breaks allow you to step away from your work temporarily, reducing stress and preventing feelings of overwhelm.

Use breaks to hydrate and have a healthy snack to replenish your energy levels. Dehydration and hunger can affect your focus. Mentally detach from your coursework during breaks. Avoid thinking about assignments or upcoming exams. Let your mind relax.


Maintaining your enthusiasm and drive throughout your online learning journey is crucial.  Stay motivated and set clear goals for your online classes. Visualize your achievements to stay inspired throughout the semester.

Start by establishing clear and achievable goals for your online classes. Define what you want to accomplish, whether it’s earning a certain grade, gaining specific knowledge, or achieving personal growth.

Visualize your success regularly. Imagine yourself completing assignments, acing exams, and achieving your academic objectives. This mental imagery can reinforce your motivation. Consider creating a vision board with images, quotes, and reminders of your goals. Place it in your study area as a constant source of inspiration.

Engage Actively

Active engagement is a cornerstone of effective online learning. It goes beyond just attending classes or reading course materials passively. Active engagement means actively participating in your online classes, asking questions, and interacting with both your peers and instructors.

Take organized and comprehensive notes during lectures or while reading course materials. Summarize key points, ask questions, and note areas where you need clarification.

Final Words

In conclusion, online classes offer a world of opportunities for education and personal growth. By implementing these tips, you’ll be better equipped to excel in your online courses and make the most of your learning journey. Remember that seeking external assistance, such as “do my class for me” services, is an option if you find yourself struggling with the workload, provided you do so responsibly and ethically.

As you embark on your online education adventure, keep these strategies in mind and adapt them to your unique learning style. With dedication and the right approach, you can succeed in your online classes and achieve your academic goals.

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